Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pictures from Drue´s visit!

Here are just a few of the pictures from my fall break:

Here I am hanging from the beam in our kitchen!

Drue pretending to jump out of the window onto Calle Arfe.

Drue and I in front of the Alázar.

This is me enjoying an apple tart from Horno San Buenaventura and...

this is Drue devouring his!

This is the sweet rope chandelier that was in our apartment.

An attempt to obtain unripened Sevilla oranges (supported by Curtis and Bryce).

From the left: part of me, Scott, Curtis, Rachel, and Bryce (enjoying tapas!)

Drue, Scott, Curtis, Bryce, Rachel, and Loli around our teensey table.

I am currently in the process of writing about Drue's visit, but there is a lot I have yet to cover. I should be posting it soon, but I might not have internet access again until the beginning of the week. I hope everyone is doing well!

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