This is our breakfast table. I get up rather early, so Loli sets it the night before in preparation. I usually have toast with peanut butter and jam and a piece of fruit before walking to school.
This is one of the many abandoned houses that I believe were used for the military. Now they are falling apart, but still very intriguing. That´s a palm tree in the front!
This is just after la Puerta de Carne (or the Gate of Meat in English). I believe this marks the beginning of Santa Cruz, which is the old Jewish neighborhood. Now it´s very touristy, though still beautiful.
This is probably the best view of my entire walk. When I come out of Santa Cruz, there is a spectacular view of the Cathedral.
This is just around the corner from CC-CS. On the right is Bliss, the crepe and fresh fruit juice place I ate at a couple of weeks ago.
This is right by the Cathedral where the horse drawn carriages are all lined up (this marks my return journey).
This is Barrio Santa Cruz on my way home.
This is the bike path where I cross Menéndez Pelayo. A girl on a bike ran into me right here the other day, it was not the most pleasant experience that I have had in Spain.
This is the soccer stadium. When there is a game going on, we can hear the cheering from our house.
Along Calle Cristo de la Sed (I always think Thirsty Christ when I see the name).
Another view.
Home at last! Calle Padre Pedro Ayala (we´re number 47).
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