Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lots of pictures!

This is a picture of Seville at night. We were right by the Cathedral and el Centro Norteamericano. Very beautiful all lit up at night.

This is me scrunched up in an alcove in el Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporaneo. A bunch of us went to see a couple of exhibits there during our first week.

A picture of Rachel, Loli, and me!

Wilheim at the beach! La Costa del Algarve, Portugal.

I think this is one of the best pictures ever taken. I like candid shots the best; scroll down to see another good one.

These were taken in the Redeyebar in Lagos, Portugal.

As promised, here are some pictures of my first tapas. This is the tortilla de patatas wisky. Yummy.

This is the espinacas con garbanzos. When we had this at home it was more like garbanzos con espinaca (and I liked it more) but this was still pretty good.

This is the giant rock off of the beach in Portugal. I actually jumped off of it! I´m pretty much a badass, I know.

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